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Tony N. Todaro - Scrapbook
Baycon 2008 -  May 23-26, 2008
Baycon was a very special event: It was the first time I'd spoken there, and friend Tim Powers was Author Guest of Honor. Christine Doyle managed programming and did a terrific job: the panels were full of knowledgeable professionals and were well-attended. I especially enjoyed Kathryn's panel on "How to Moderate a Panel". Little did I know it would give me good perspective in handling an audience member at a future convention.

"Is the Short Story Dead?" After we all agree it wasn't, we discussed where it had gone.

Tim Powers, Irene Radford, Randy Smith, ElizaBeth Gillian , Tony N. Todaro
(no photos available)

"Sex, Lies and Publishing " What are you willing to do to get published?

Valerie Frankel, Marty Halperh, Seana McGuire, Tony N. Todaro
(no photos available)

Tony N Todaro at Westercon 2008

"Creating Names for Your Characters" Since I writer the Lightriders Saga, which is more fantasy, and the Xander Hunt series, which are hard, military futuristic mysteries, I have naming strategies for both. Fortunately, we were in the main room so we had a sound system, so I could emulate some proper alien name pronunciations.

Maya Bohnhoff, ElizaBeth Gilligan, Deborah J. Ross, Tony N. TOdaro, Juliette Wade, Ann Wilkes


"Plot Point Research" I was not originally scheduled for this panel, but since it is a subject very important to writing that I have spoken on before, I was able to be added that weekend.

Kage Baker, Tim Powers, Irene Radford, Walter Hunt , Tony N. Todaro

Photos by TOM .
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